Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Every Time You Go Away" -- Hall & Oates

Every Time You Go Away
Daryl Hall

I'm not posting this song for any reason except it totally kicks ass. And I'm too lazy and jetlagged right now to do more than fuck around on youtube.

It's not the sugary-sweet pop version by Paul Young, but the original, gospel and soul version sung by the guys who wrote it. There's a "Live at the Apollo" version on youtube as well, complete with GE Smith (I always forget he was H&O's guy before he was SNL's guy), but I kinda prefer the tempo of this one.

Daryl Hall kills it. This is blue-eyed soul.

Curtis Salgado's version out there on Rhapsody is pretty good.

And frankly, if you come back and say you like the insipid Paul Young version better, then well, I'll have to break the news to you that you either have no soul -- or you are some kind of girl. (For some reason, I find girls tend to like the sugar-pop versions of songs better than the grittier versions of songs. Why is that? Has anyone ever done a study of that?)


Coloradocasters said...

This was one of the bands I still love from this era and appreciate a number of their songs. I am a bit surprised that today’s pop music or even the cover bands in nightclubs that toss out a few 80’s hits now and then do not cover their hits more. Not a bad youtube find at all.

Don said...

I liked H&O until my friend called them a pair of booty bandits and I started to hear the pop elements. But Darryl Hall could really sing, and anyway certain songs remind me of the summer of 1976 which was so long ago the bitter seems to have somewhat given way to the sweet.

JD said...

This is the only H&O song with verse lyrics I can remember. Go ahead, try to remember anything but the hook of any of their songs.

"Say It Isn't So" is another favorite of mine, mainly because I am always pleasantly surprised by the interesting and melancholic minor chords that are thrown into the chorus.

Rolling Stone called Daryl Hall's voice the perfect pop voice, and I happen to agree.

Paula said...

Your Kiss is on My List. Sorry I'm a girl. :)

Paula said...

OK, just listened and YEAH much better than that smooth insipid one. Also love Say It Isn't So btw. Most excellent.

JD said...

I love pretty much all Hall and Oates. "Kiss on My List" tres excelente, but I'll be damned if I can remember a single lyric. I always end up singing "Nah-nah lalalalalaaa duh-da-duh-duh-dah. Ba-dum, something something something something blow such secrets awaaaay."

throckey said...

Interestingly enough Hall and Oates played my High School. (We won a contest)

Curtis Salgado is from Portland Oregon. He played there a lot when I lived there, until he went to jail for cocaine possession or some such thing (hey it was the 80's), which only improved his blues singing.

Random thoughts tonight.

JD said...

Tread lightly on Curtis, Throck...he's a friend of a friend! Didn't know anything about the drugs thing -- like you say, it was the 80's!

He is a very, very old friend of my best friend...and an amazing and highly-regarded harp player.

Still tours and plays out. I was supposed to meet him this week but my trip was too short. Sads.

throckey said...

I have always held Curtis in the highest regard. The dude is a living blues master. Gotta go find my Curtis Salgado and the Stilettos CD.